

DGC101X series is designed on a common platform and provided variants for different level of functionality, Fire Engine Controller with CAN Bus, USB 2.0 and RS485 Comm.

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Protection/Supervision Under/Over RPM,RWL , LLOP , HWT, Low Fuel , Oil Temperature , Charging Alternator/V-Belt, Emergency Off, Oil Level 10. Fail to Start, Fail to Stop, Service due hour
Measurement Battery Voltage,. Charging Alternator Voltage ,Engine run hour, RPM , Oil Pressure, Water Temperature,Oil Temperature, Fuel,Service due hour
Communication CAN Bus, USB 2.0 and RS485
Features Fully field programmable either from front Keypad, through PC via USB or in field through modbus communication. Built in sensor data as well as provision to program a sensor data. Bright LCD with Icon and English Text Based Descriptions. No need to remember Icons or consult the manual for understanding the displayed parameters, status, warning or fault announcement. 4-20mA Pressure Sensor can be interfaced. It can measure signal from MPU to calculate RPM. Fuel Solenoid can be configured as Pull to Start or Pull to Stop . SMPS Power Supply. Heavily protected and isolated RS485