Measure RPM, either from MPU or from pulse output of charging alternate.
3 Analog Channel (FUEL, HWT, LLOP), Non DG application, RS485 comm.
3 Analog Channel (FUEL, HWT, LLOP) , Non DG application.
3 Analog Channel (OIL TEMP., HWT, LLOP), Non DG application, RS485 comm.
3 Analog Channel (OIL TEMP., HWT, LLOP), Non DG application.
Fire Engine Controller with USB 2.0 and RS485 Comm.
Fire Engine Controller with CAN Bus, USB 2.0 and RS485 Comm.
Fire Engine Controller with CAN Bus, USB 2.0 Comm.
Fire Engine Controller, USB 2.0 Comm.
Engine monitoring and supervisor unit, Protection - Oil Pressure, HWT, RWL, Emergency, Low Fuel etc.
Engine Safety controller, Protection - Oil Pressure, HWT, RWL, Emergency, Low Fuel etc